Surgeonfish & Unicornfish Footage
Stock footage of surgeonfishes, unicornfishes and tangs (Acanthuridae). Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of surgeonfish, tang and unicornfish is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format.
Unfortunately preview videos are not yet available for most of my specific surgeonfish, tang and unicornfish footage. A few previews are available, mostly as a secondary subject (click the links below), but I have many more clips. Please contact me for prices and samples.
- Acanthuridae, Surgeonfishes and Unicornfishes
- Acanthurus albipectoralis, Whitefin Surgeonfish
- Acanthurus bariene, Black-Spot Surgeonfish (bariene tang, black-spot tang, eye-spot surgeonfish, bariene surgeonfish)
- Acanthurus leucosternon, Powder Blue Tang (powder blue surgeonfish, powderblue surgeonfish)
- Acanthurus lineatus, Lined Surgeonfish (clown tang, clown surgeonfish, striped surgeonfish)
- Acanthurus maculiceps, White-Freckled Surgeonfish
- Acanthurus mata, Elongate Surgeonfish (mata tang, mata surgeonfish, tailring surgeon)
- Acanthurus olivaceus, Orange Shoulder Tang (orangespot surgeonfish, orangeband surgeonfish)
- Acanthurus nigrofuscus, Brown Surgeonfish (lavender tang)
- Acanthurus pyroferus, Chocolate Surgeonfish (yellow mimic tang, mimic surgeonfish, chocolate tang)
- Acanthurus tennentii, Doubleband Surgeonfish (lieutenant surgeonfish)
- Acanthurus triostegus, Convict Tang (manini, convict surgeonfish)
- Acanthurus xanthopterus, Yellowfin Surgeonfish
- Ctenochaetus striatus, Striated Surgeonfish (striped bristletooth, lined bristletooth, yellow eye tang)
- Unicorn Fishes
- Naso brevirostris, Spotted Unicornfish (spotted unicorn tang, paletail uncornfish)
- Naso hexacanthus, Sleek Unicornfish (kala, blacktongue unicornfish, sleek unicorn)
- Naso lituratus, Orangespine Unicornfish (naso tang, lipstick tang, clown tang, orange spine unicornfish)
- Naso unicornis, Bluespine Unicornfish (blue-spine unicornfish, blue-spine unicorn)
- Naso vlamingii, Bignose Unicornfish (Vlamingii tang, bignose unicorn, Vlaming's unicornfish)
- Paracanthurus hepatus, Blue Tang (palette surgeonfish, regal tang, hippo tang, Dory, blue surgeonfish)
- Prionurinae
- Prionurus chrysurus, Indonesian Sawtail (yellowtail sawtail)
- Zebrasoma desjardinii, Red Sea Sailfin Tang (Desjardin's sailfin tang, Indian Ocean sailfin tang)
- Zebrasoma scopas, Twotone Tang (scopas tang, brown scopas tang, brown sailfin tang, brushtail tang)
- Zebrasoma velifer, Pacific Sailfin Tang (sailfin tang, sailfin surgeonfish)