Anthias Footage
Stock footage of anthias (fairy basslets, Anthiinae). Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of anthias is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format. Click the links below to search a category.
Stock Footage | Marine Fishes | Sea Basses
- Anthiinae, Anthias (Fairy Basslets)
- Luzonichthys waitei, Magenta Slender Anthias (Waite's splitfin)
- Pseudanthias dispar, Dispar Anthias (redfin anthias, peach fairy basslet, peach anthias)
- Pseudanthias pleurotaenia, Squarespot Anthias (squareback anthias, square-spot fairy basslet, pink square anthias)
- Pseudanthias squamipinnis, Lyretail Anthias (sea goldie, scalefin anthias)
- Pseudanthias tuka, Purple Queen Anthias (yellowstriped fairy basslet, purple anthias, purple queen)
- Serranocirrhitus latus, Sunburst Anthias (hawkfish anthias, fathead anthias, hawk anthias)