Goatfish Footage
Stock footage of goatfishes (Mullidae). Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of goatfish is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format. Click the links below to search a category.
- Mullidae, Goatfishes
- Mulloidichthys flavolineatus, Yellowstripe Goatfish (yellow-striped goatfish)
- Mulloidichthys vanicolensis, Yellowfin Goatfish (yellow-striped goatfish)
- Parupeneus barberinoides, Bicolor Goatfish (half-and-half goatfish)
- Parupeneus barberinus, Dash-and-Dot Goatfish (dash-dot goatfish)
- Parupeneus crassilabris, Doublebar Goatfish
- Parupeneus cyclostomus, Goldsaddle Goatfish (yellowsaddle goatfish, yellow goatfish, yellow-saddle goatfish)
- Parupeneus macronemus, Longbarbel Goatfish
- Parupeneus pleurostigma, Sidespot Goatfish (spotted goatfish, blackspot goatfish)
- Upeneus tragula, Freckled Goatfish (striped red mullet, bar-tailed goatfish, blackstriped goatfish)