Polychaete Worm Footage
Stock footage of marine polychaete worms (Polychaeta) including fanworms, feather duster worms, coco worms, Christmas tree worms and spaghetti worms. Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format.
Unfortunately preview videos are not yet available for most of my specific polychaete worm footage. Species shown in blue have a few previews available but I have many more clips. Contact me for prices and samples.
- Polychaeta, Polychaete Worms
- Canalipalpata
- Sabellida
- Sabellidae, Fanworms
- Sabellastarte sp., Feather Duster Worm (fan worm, coco worm, fanworm, featherduster worm, tube worm)
- Sabellastarte spectabilis, Indian Feather Duster Worm
- Sabellidae, Fanworms
- Serpulidae, Fanworms
- Protula bispiralis, Hard Tube Coco Worm (feather duster worm, tube worm)
- Spirobranchus giganteus, Christmas Tree Worm
- Terebellida
- Terebellomorpha
- Terebellidae, Spaghetti Worms, Terebellid Worms
- Terebellomorpha
- Sabellida
- Canalipalpata