Angelfish Footage
Stock footage of angelfishes (Pomacanthidae). Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of angelfish is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format. Click the links below to search a category.
- Pomacanthidae, Angelfishes
- Apolemichthys trimaculatus, Three-Spot Angelfish (threespot angelfish)
- Apolemichthys xanthurus, Yellowtail Angelfish (Indian yellowtail angelfish)
- Centropyge bicolor, Bicolor Angelfish
- Centropyge flavissima, Lemonpeel Angelfish (yellow angelfish)
- Genicanthus melanospilos, Swallowtail Angelfish (blackspot angelfish, spotbreast angelfish, black-spot angelfish, swallowtail angel)
- Pomacanthus annularis, Blue Ring Angelfish (bluering angelfish, blue-ringed angelfish)
- Pomacanthus imperator, Emperor Angelfish
- Pomacanthus semicirculatus, Semicircle Angelfish (koran angelfish, blue angelfish)
- Pomacanthus sexstriatus, Six-Banded Angelfish (sixbar angelfish, sixbanded angelfish)
- Pomacanthus xanthometopon, Blueface Angelfish (yellowface angelfish, blue-faced angelfish)
- Pygoplites diacanthus, Regal Angelfish (royal angelfish)