Sponge Footage
Stock footage of sponges. Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of sponge is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format.
Unfortunately preview videos are not yet available for most of my specific sponge footage. A few previews are available, mostly as a secondary subject (click the links below), but I have many more clips. Please contact me for prices and samples.
- Porifera, Sponges
- Demospongiae, Demosponges / Horny Sponges
- Haplosclerida
- Petrosina
- Petrosiidae
- Petrosina
- Verongida
- Ianthellidae
- Pseudoceratinidae
- Haplosclerida
- Demospongiae, Demosponges / Horny Sponges