Parrotfish Footage
Stock footage of parrotfishes (Scaridae). Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of parrotfish is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format.
Unfortunately preview videos are not yet available for most of my specific parrotfish footage. A few previews are available, mostly as a secondary subject (click the links below), but I have many more clips. Please contact me for prices and samples.
- Scaridae, Parrotfishes
- Bolbometopon muricatum, Green Humphead Parrotfish (humphead parrotfish, bumphead parrotfish)
- Calotomus carolinus, Stareye Parrotfish (Caroline's parrotfish)
- Cetoscarus ocellatus, Spotted Parrotfish (bicolor parrotfish, bicolour parrotfish)
- Chlorurus bleekeri, Bleeker's Parrotfish
- Chlorurus microrhinos, Pacific Steephead Parrotfish (steephead parrotfish, heavybeak parrotfish)
- Chlorurus sordidus, Bullethead Parrotfish (daisy parrotfish)
- Chlorurus strongylocephalus, Indian Ocean Steephead Parrotfish (steephead parrotfish, heavybeak parrotfish)
- Scarus Dimidiatus, Yellowbarred Parrotfish (yellow-barred parrotfish)
- Scarus flavipectoralis, Yellowfin Parrotfish (rainbow parrotfish)
- Scarus frenatus, Bridled Parrotfish
- Scarus ghobban, Blue-Barred Parrotfish (bluebarred parrotfish)
- Scarus niger, Dusky Parrotfish (swarthy parrotfish)
- Scarus prasiognathos, Singapore Parrotfish (greenthroat parrotfish)
- Scarus rubroviolaceus, Ember Parrotfish
- Scarus schlegeli, Yellowband Parrotfish (Schlegel's parrotfish)
- Scarus tricolor, Tricolour Parrotfish (tricolor parrotfish)