Boxfish Footage
Stock footage of boxfishes (Ostraciidae) including cowfish, turretfish and trunkfish. Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of boxfish is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format. Click the links below to search a category.
- Ostraciidae, Boxfishes
- Lactoria cornuta, Longhorn cowfish ( long-horned cowfish, horned boxfish, trunkfish)
- Lactoria fornasini, Thornback cowfish (thorny-back cowfish)
- Ostracion cubicus, Yellow Boxfish (cubicus boxfish, cube boxfish, polka-dot boxfish, yellow box fish)
- Ostracion meleagris, Whitespotted Boxfish (blue boxfish, black boxfish, white-spotted boxfish)
- Ostracion nasus, Shortnose Boxfish
- Ostracion rhinorhynchos, Horn-Nosed Boxfish
- Ostracion solorensis, Reticulate Boxfish (scribbled boxfish, striped boxfish, solor boxfish)
- Tetrosomus gibbosus, Humpback Turretfish (helmet cowfish, camel fish)