Opisthobranch Footage
Stock footage of opisthobranchs (sea slugs, Opisthobranchia). Rights managed and royalty free stock footage of the following species of opisthobranch is available for licensing in high definition HDV 1080-50i, 1080-60i, and PAL DV format.
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Stock Footage | Molluscs | Gastropods
- Opisthobranchia, Opisthobranchs
- Anaspidea
- Aplysioidea
- Aplysiidae, Sea Hares
- Bursatella leachii, Ragged Sea Hare (ragged seahare, Leach's sea hare)
- Dolabella auricularia, Blunt-End Sea Hare (eared sea hare)
- Stylocheilus striatus, Lined Sea Hare (Stylocheilus longicauda, Long-tailed Sea Hare)
- Aplysiidae, Sea Hares
- Aplysioidea
- Cephalaspidea
- Philinoidea,
Headshield Slugs and
Bubble Snails
- Aglajidae, Headshield Slugs
- Chelidonura amoena, Pleasant Chelidonura (lovely headshield slug)
- Philinopsis gardineri, Gardiner's Headshield Slug
- Philinopsis speciosa, Showy Headshield Slug (Philinopsis cyanea, blue headshield slug)
- Aglajidae, Headshield Slugs
- Philinoidea,
Headshield Slugs and
Bubble Snails
- Nudibranchia, Nudibranchs
- Pleurobranchomorpha
- Pleurobranchoidea,
Sidegill Slugs
- Pleurobranchidae
- Berthellina sp., Sidegill Slug
- Pleurobranchus forskalii, Forskal's Pleurobranch (Forskal's Pleurobranchus)
- Pleurobranchus grandis, Grand Pleurobranch (grand Peurobranchus, grand sidegill slug)
- Pleurobranchus peroni, Peron's Pleurobranch (Pleurobranchus peronii, Peron's Peurobranchus, Peron's sidegill slug)
- Pleurobranchidae
- Pleurobranchoidea,
Sidegill Slugs
- Sacoglossa, Sap-Sucking
- Limapontioidea
- Caliphyllidae
- Cyerce nigricans, Black and Gold Sap Sucking Slug (black and gold cyerce)
- Caliphyllidae
- Plakobranchoidea
- Plakobranchidae
- Elysia ornata, Ornate Sap-Sucking Slug (ornate Elysia, ornate sapsucking slug)
- Elysia sp., Sap-Sucking Slug (sapsucking slug)
- Thuridilla albopustulosa, White-Spotted Thuridilla (white-bump sapsucking slug)
- Thuridilla lineolata, Lined Thuridilla (orange-edged sapsucking slug)
- Plakobranchidae
- Limapontioidea
- Anaspidea