Jenkins' whipray (Himantura jenkinsi) and bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) at Shark Cave
Jenkins' whipray
Porcelain anemone crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus) on adhesive anemone (Cryptodendrum adhaesivum) at Shark Cave
porcelain anemone crab
Scuba diver and juvenile barracuda at Shark Cave
scuba diver at cave
Blotched fantail ray (Taeniura meyeni) at Shark Cave
blotched fantail ray
Scuba divers in the canyon at Shark Cave
divers in canyon
Shark Cave
Shark Cave cave mouth
Tiger cowrie (Cypraea tigris) at Shark Cave
tiger cowrie
Pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) at Shark Cave
pharaoh cuttlefish
Pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) at Shark Cave
pharaoh cuttlefish
Strap-weed filefish (Pseudomonacanthus macrurus) at Shark Cave
strap-weed filefish
Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) at Shark Cave
grey reef shark
Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) at Shark Cave
grey reef shark
Longfin grouper (Epinephelus quoyanus) at Shark Cave
longfin grouper
Lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) at Shark Cave
lion's man jellyfish
Scuba diver inside Shark Cave
diver in shark cave
Greyface moray (Gymnothorax thyrsoideus) and fimbriated moray (Gymnothorax fimbriatus) at Shark Cave
greyface & fimbriated moray
Tawny nurse shark (Nebrius ferrugineus) at Shark Cave
tawny nurse shark
Peppered moray (Gymnothorax pictus) at Shark Cave
peppered moray
Longnosed pipefish (Trachyrhamphus longirostris) at Shark Cave
lonnosed pipefish
Tiger tail seahorse (Hippocampus comes) and worm sea cucumber (Synaptula lamperti) at Shark Cave
tiger tail seahorse
Shark Cave
Shark Cave
Magnificent partner shrimp (Ancyclomenes magnificus) on tube anemone (Cerianthus sp.)
magnificent partner shrimp
Bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) at Shark Cave
bigfin reef squid
Bigfin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) at Shark Cave
bigfin reef squid
Greyface moray (Gymnothorax thyrsoideus) at Shark Cave
greyface moray